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Microdermabrasion is a very effective and safe treatment for targeting fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and photo damaged skin.

Microdermabrasion can be likened to a "superficial skin polishing" using micro crystals vacuumed through a delicate hand piece. This process abrades the dry, dead layers of skin while also accelerating formation of collage and elastin in the lower levels of the dermis.

The treatment is ideal for men and women who want to combat the signs of aging skin, for acne-prone skin that has not responded well to acne remedies, as well as younger patients with early skin changes that wish for softer, smoother skin.

Microdermabrasion is safe to use on all skin colors and types.

It is a very relaxing treatment leaving your skin buffed and more radiant. After your microdermabrasion treatment a Vitamin A booster treatment and nutritious skin care is rendered, taking advantage of the increased absorption since the skin is debried and more receptive.

A hydrating mask is applied as well. After your first treatment, your skin will be softer, smoother and fresher looking. Fine lines and age spots are erased. Acne scars will be less obvious. Patients can resume normal activities right after the treatment.

To set up an appointment for a free consultation to see how microdermabrasion can help you, contact our office.